Swifta Google Cloud For Business In 2022

Google Cloud
Google Cloud Platform Review | Swifta

2021 has given us an insight into what the world will look like in the future, basically, we are in the experimental stage of what the future is going to feel like especially for businesses. Cloud systems like Google cloud & AWS are at the heart of this future blueprint for businesses and the world at large

What Google Cloud Offers You In 2021

Searchcloud was able to give the simplest functions of Google cloud



Big data

Machine learning

Internet of things

With the Google cloud network, there is an endless list of opportunities available for your business in the year and all is left is for you to set your business goals, ensure you have a practical plan available to achieve these business goals then finally subscribing to Google cloud systems with SwiftaCloud.

The Google Cloud Business is an opportunity for business professionals to demonstrate their understanding of how to lead, influence, and support their organization’s cloud adoption goals.

As a learner, you will gain skills and knowledge to determine how to lead cloud adoption projects that can transform your business, and how Google Cloud products and solutions can support your teams use of cloud technology.

The 3 Reasons To Pick Swifta Google Cloud

Google Cloud Platform not only allows your business access to one of the largest networks in the world but also ensures customers have less downtime as we can now utilize live migrations of virtual machines. Today we want to dive deeper into some of the advantages of using Google Cloud Hosting for your business

Competitive Market Prices

Compared to other cloud systems, google cloud has the best market prices available for businesses to subscribe to. It should be known that businesses are charged for their compute time and not more. Cloud Spectator, a cloud performance benchmark company, also did an in-depth price-performance analysis in 2017 of North American providers. This report included Google Cloud Platform, Amazon, Azure, and SoftLayer. They discovered that across the board, from small VMs to extra-large VMs, Google Cloud was the least expensive. Make sure to check out their study for more details on configurations and tests.

Improved Performance

When it comes to web traffic and workload, having the google cloud system installed is the right answer. In simpler terms, Google Cloud can handle whatever pressure and work to put it through. Their VMS does an amazing job at handling everything and it has reduced our client’s downtime to over 50%. Google Cloud Platform is making leaps and bounds when it comes to making a bigger dent in the cloud computing space. As of January 2017, you can now leverage GPUs for machine learning and scientific computing. And in March 2017 they released VMs with 64 virtual CPUs

Security Like Never Before

Another big advantage of the google cloud system is security. Choosing us means you get the benefit of a security model that has been built upon over the course of 15 years and counting, and currently secures products and services like Gmail, Search, etc. Swifta maintains security precautions in line with industry best practices. While we use Google Cloud Platform for our customers. Based on research conducted by the Swifta Team, we have come to the conclusion that most businesses use WordPress hosting. Google cloud has been a formidable companion compared to other platforms in providing 24/7 security for WordPress.


When it comes to utilizing the Google Cloud Platform, there are a lot of advantages. Not only is it cheaper, but you also benefit from one of the largest networks in the world! This means less latency and more accurate compute prices as data is able to be processed in less time. Live migration of virtual machines is currently a unique and very important differentiator when it comes to comparing other cloud hosting providers. Top it off with the state of the art security and performance that is able to handle hundreds of thousands of concurrent connections and you have a platform that can set your business up for long-term success.

Click here to subscribe for Google Cloud for Business

Recommended Read; 5 Google Workspace tips for professional services

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