3 Reasons Your Business needs Cloud Services

Cloud Computing

Nowadays, like the 1963 movie, It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, World, starring Spencer Tracey. Some might describe the current trend of business software and services toward cloud computing with some of those same adjectives. It’s a Cloud, Cloud, Cloud, Cloud World, and smart businesses are driving like mad to get their enterprises and employees into the cloud environment, to avoid cases of preventable loss in data and revenue. Recent reports have shown that more businesses now operate on a public, private, or hybrid cloud platform post-pandemic. How about your company? Do you have a cloud computing strategy? Here are 3 reasons why you should consider developing one.

  • You can save more money

If you choose to migrate to the cloud, you can save a lot of money. Rackspace surveyed 1,300 companies and found that 88% of cloud users experienced significant cost savings and 56% of them noted an increase in profits. With the cloud, you reduce hardware costs because hardware repair and replacement costs are left to the vendor. It also saves on your power bills as well as labor and maintenance costs. That means your IT staff can focus on daily needs and development. The cloud also allows you to take advantage of the pay-as-you-go model – you only pay for software as you utilize it, and it can be cancelled at any time. The subscription model helps you avoid the costs that can come with defective software.

  • Increased collaboration and flexibility

Cloud computing also allows you to be more flexible both inside and outside of the workplace. For example, if you need access to data while you are away from the office, you can easily access that data anytime and anywhere through any web-enabled device. With the cloud, you can also offer more flexible working hours to your employees and collaborate with them on the go and in real-time. An effective cloud strategy allows your employees to have more freedom, which yields happier and more productive workers.

  • Prevent loss and better protect your data 

If you move to the cloud, you can also experience increased security, privacy, and control – all data sent to the cloud is encrypted and is hosted in a centralized and protected environment. Since your data is stored in the cloud, you can access it no matter what happens to your hardware. Hence, developing utilizing cloud services allows you to take greater control of your data.

Indeed, almost all apps and legacy software have already moved to the cloud. The scalability, flexibility, and increase in employee collaboration make a cloud strategy almost imperative for a growing business. The question isn’t whether you should adopt use cloud services, but when?
